A Bizarre Animation Imagines Botanical Growth Gone Awry

A Bizarre Animation Imagines Botanical Growth Gone Awry

What if succulents sprouted in squiggles? Or cacti turned orange and floated to the sky like balloons?

An imaginative animation by Hiroshi Takagishi pushes botanical specimens and their potential evolution to peculiar extremes. Inspired by contradictions and irregularities in nature, “Odd” is a digitally crafted film that envisions the ways various specimens could morph from one state to another. As cacti wiggle and wobble or burst into dainty green petals, their recognizable forms become strange and surreal.

Find more from Takagishi on Vimeo.

an animated gif of spiky orange spheres floating upward

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🔗 Source: Original Source

📅 Published on: 2024-12-13 00:32:00

🖋️ Author: Grace Ebert – An expert in architectural innovation and design trends.

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